Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Happy Place

It is 6:00 am and the alarm goes off. A sound I used to hate. I still don't love the sound,a different tone would do. But the reason I am getting up this early is different. I  lie in bed knowing that it is dark out and I know it's raining. It is September and we are on the West Coast. I stretch, give the dog a snuggle and smile at the sound of my husband sleeping soundly beside me. I am going to work and I am happy.

Every time I would read an article about an artist, artisan or craft person who ' quit their day job ' to do what they love to do, I would wonder how they could possibly do that, how could they leave the security of the regular pay check, how they could take that leap of faith, how they could believe in themselves and what they did so much that they would quit their day job. Well now I know. It has been 4 weeks now and I am finally feeling that I now belong to this group of chance takers.

I read somewhere that if one works at home they should get dressed and 'go to work', that one should not work in their pajamas. Well I would have been a sight for sore eyes this morning. I rolled out of bed , reached for my thick fluffy socks, put on a fleece, threw my hair in a pony tail,  made my tea , and headed out the door for the 17 step walk to my studio. I turned on the lights, looked around and smiled because this is my ' happy place '.

I can be found here at Mixed Metal Mimi's home studio most days. I am usually covered in metal dust, my hands are as rough as the sand paper that I use and my finger nails are non existent. But am I happy. When the weather is warm and the sun is strong I open the lovely double doors but this morning it is cold so the heat is on and it is very cozy in here.I have some unfinished work on my bench that I want to complete before my hike with friends. Viking knit, new necklace designs, shawl pins, and so many earrings. I have been so productive. I am finding my groove, my routine but not one that follows a clock on the wall but my clock. I stretch when I need to, I stop and do something different when my body tells me to and I eat when I am hungry. It feels right. It was necessary. I know that now.

I do what I do because nothing else compares to the sense of freedom and empowerment I get from being my own boss, making my own decisions for myself and my customers. The more I put in the more I get out. It's that simple. I am not spending my life helping someone else achieve their dreams, I am building my own.


Mixed Metal Mimi xo

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