Monday, January 24, 2011

Daddy's little girl

My dad has always been a great fan of mine. He is always looking out for me. You are always their child no matter how old you are. I have always looked up to my dad and his creativity. I get my creativity, drive to succeed and stamina to work hard from him. He has always wanted to learn to silversmith and is so proud of me now that I am learning. He mailed me some of his brass rings that he sawed, filed, soldered, polished and set intricate wood cabochons that he also made himself. He was silversmithing even though he used only the materials available to him at the time. He used all the traditional silversmithing techniques. He encourages me to continue to strive to be unique but cautious not to give away my secrets. He knows that there are imitators out there that will run with your ideas any chance they get. He is always trying to guide me with a gentle manner as to not upset me, because he knows that I am a Taurus, sensitive yet very stubborn. I have to stop and remember that he has more experience than me in the world and I am fortunate to share in his knowledge.
Thanks dad for giving me the freedom to be creative and the power of self confidence, for this I LOVE you,
Mixed Metal Mimi

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